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Simerics Inc

Who we are ?

Simerics, Inc develops, markets, and supports CAE software for the virtual simulation and testing of fluid pumps, valves, compressors, motors, and systems. Simerics is focused on providing tools that allow manufacturers to reduce expensive hardware testing and provide unique insight into their products. Founded in 2005, Simerics provides the advantage of the latest in simulation technology. Simerics offers two state-of-the art CAE tools: SimericsMP® and SimericsMP+®.

SimericsMP is for Multi-Purpose applications and Simerics-MP+ includes all the capabilities of Simerics-MP with additional features such as streamlined setup procedures, automated mesh/re-mesh for key components especially moving components, and customized data reduction.

Simulation Sofwtare for Multi-purpose Application

What is Simerics®MP ?

Simerics®MP is a collection of core 3-D CFD capabilities and physical modules that enables accurate virtual testing for multi-purpose (MP) applications involving single phase or multiphase flow, turbulence, cavitation/aeration, heat and mass transfer, particle and fluid-structure interaction.

Comprehensive physics

Accurate predictions

Fast model creation, even faster simulation speed

Able to model complex details down to the micro scale

Why Simerics MP?

Comprehensive physics

Accurate predictions

Fast model creation, even faster simulation speed

Able to model complex details down to the micro scale

Computaional fluid dynamics is complex, but our software makes it easy. Through its unrivaled, intuitive, and user-friendly designed process.

gear pump multiphase

Software Modules

Meshing with SimericsMP


MP: Meshing

Simerics-MP has a built in general purpose mesher. It generates body fitted binary tree mesh directly and automatically from CAD surfaces. No CAD cleaning is required. User can always get a valid mesh even with the default settings. The mesher also provide easy and intuitive ways to refine the mesh in user-defined region. The mesh generated has very high quality and very high efficiency.

Automatic mesh generation and automatic one-step generation of separated solid, fluid domains for problems within conjugate heat transfer applications.

Time taken for “dirty” CAD geometry import to mesh generation is significantly negligible. No CAD cleanup required.

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